Windows Server 2003 could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
After googling the internet, I found the following method to solve the above issue.
- Start the computer by using the Windows 2003 CD. At the “Welcome to Setup” screen, press R to repair, and then press C to start the Recovery Console.
- Type the number for the appropriate Windows installation, and then type the Administrator account password.
- To copy the SYSTEM file from the WINDOWS\Repair folder to the WINDOWS\System32\Config folder, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
copy c:\windows\repair\SYSTEM c:\windows\system32\config\SYSTEM
If you receive a prompt to overwrite the file, press Y, and then press ENTER. (You can also copy all the files one by one, as console doesn’t allow you to use * wild card ) - Restart the computer.
Windows should be able to boot up normally.